PSMS K-12 Educational Grants
The Puget Sound Mycological Society, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization chartered in 1964, maintains a small grant program to support the study of fungi in K-12 classrooms in Washington State. Realizing that it is often difficult for these schools to fund additional science educational materials, PSMS offers assistance to teachers' efforts to promote and further their students' understanding of fungi and their importance in our lives. Proposals for larger scale, more involved activities that would exceed the small-grant limit should be submitted to PSMS's Ben Woo Scholarship program. In addition, pre-approved PSMS Members may apply for an honorarium of up to $100 for making a presentation on or doing a project concerning fungi with a K-12 Washington State classroom.
Who is eligible?
K-12 classrooms in Washington state. Pre-approved PSMS members who are speaking or doing a project in a K-12 Washington State Classroom.
How do I apply?
Complete the Application for K-12 Educational Grant and submit it via email to the email listed on the application form.
For PSMS member Honorarium requests: Submit this application PSMS Member Application for K-12 Educational Honorarium to
When are applications due?
Applications may be submitted at any time. However, be sure to allow at least 1 month for the review and decision process.
How much can be requested?
For K-12 Classrooms: Up to $250 per classroom per school year. Can be submitted by classroom teacher or by the PSMS member coordinating the classroom project.
For Pre-approved PSMS Members: Up to $250 in classroom supplies per classroom per year for any project conducted with the classroom. PSMS members are also eligible for a $100 honorarium in addition to the classroom project supplies reimbursement. (See separate application form).
The yearly total of all submitted classroom educational and honorarium requests cannot exceed $1000 per year unless the Board authorizes additional funding.
What sorts of budget items are eligible for reimbursement?
For the Classroom: Supplies, small equipment, and other educational materials required for or directly related to the proposed fungal study activities. Examples of allowable items include audio-visual materials, books for the classroom or school library, lesson plans, purchase of fresh mushrooms for classroom study, and supplies for making grow-your-own mushroom kits.
How are the funds disbursed?
Recipients will receive funds for the approved expenses upon approval of the activity by the PSMS Scholarship Program Coordinator. We request that receipts (or digital copies of the receipts) for the purchases be sent to the PSMS Grants chairperson upon completion of the project/activity. The PSMS Grants chairperson will forward these receipts to the PSMS Treasurer.
Are there any other reporting requirements?
As part of requesting reimbursement of expenses at the conclusion of the project or education event, recipients are asked to submit a brief report summarizing the activity/activities, the number of students involved, how the project impacted or benefited the students, and whether or not the activity appears worth repeating in the future.
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