Recommended Reading
Selected References for Amateur Mycologists in the Pacific Northwest, initially compiled by Nancy Weber and Maggie Rogers, April 2004 and revised Jan 2016.
Entry Level
Pacific Northwest/ Western North America
- Gilbert, Gary & Winkler, Daniel. Mycocards Deck 55 Boletes of Western North America. (Flashcard deck). 2021.
- Trudell, Steve & Ammirati J.F. Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest. Timber Press, Inc. 2009.
- Trudell, Steve. Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest. Timber Press, Inc. rev. ed. 2022.
- Tylutki, E.E. Mushrooms of Idaho and the Pacific Northwest: 1979, Vol.1, Discomycetes. 1987, Vol. 2, Non-gilled Hymenomycetes, (Agaricales and Aphyllophorales). University of Idaho Press.
- Evenson,V. S. Mushrooms of Colorado and the Southern Rocky Mountains. Westcliffe Publishers and Denver Museum of Natural History. 1997.
- Winkler, Daniel. A Field Guide to Edible Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest. (pamphlet). 2011.
- Winkler, Daniel. Fruits of the Forest. Skipstone. 2023.
National to continental, mix of Pacific NW and other fungi
- Arora, D. All That the Rain Promises, and More. Ten Speed Press. 1991.
- Lincoff, G.H. The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. 1981.
- Marteka, V. Mushrooms Wild and Edible. W. W. Norton & Co. 1980.
- Miller, O.K., Jr. Mushrooms of North America. E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc. 1972.
- Smith, A.H. & Weber, N.S. The Mushroom Hunter's Field Guide. The Univ. of Michigan Press. 1980.
Intermediate/advanced Level
N. America north of Mexico/areas with similar climate & trees
- Arora, D. Mushrooms Demystified, 2nd ed. Ten Speed Press. 1986.
- Benjamin, Denis R. Mushrooms: poisons and panaceas. W. H. Freeman and Company. 1995.
- Bessette, Alan E. et al. Milk Mushrooms of North America. Syracuse University Press. 2009.
- Bessette, Alan E. et. al. Tricholomas of North America. University of Texas Press. 2013.
- Bessette, Alan E. et. al. North American Boletes. Syracuse University Press. 2000.
- Beug, Michael W. Ascomycete Fungi of North America. University of Texas Press. 2014.
- Brodo, Irwin M et al. Lichens of North America. Yale University Press. 2001.
- Kirk, P.M. et. al. Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi. 9th Edition. CAB International. 2004.
- Mad River Press. (Various authors & years). How to Identify Mushrooms to Genus: I, Macroscopic features; II, Field Identification of Genera; III., Microscopic features; IV, Keys to Families and Genera; V. Cultural and Developmental Features; VI, Modern Genera.
- Mad River Press. (Various authors & years). The Agaricales (Gilled Fungi) of California. Eleven sections issued so far on 11 families or groups of gilled mushrooms, more in the works.
- Rogers, Robert. The Fungal Pharmacy North Atlantic Books. 2011.
- Siegel, Noah & Schwarz, Christian. Mushrooms of the Redwood Coast. Ten Speed Press. 2016.
- Trappe, Matt & Evans, Frank & Trappe, James. Field Guide to North American Truffles. Ten Speed Press. 2007.
- The Puget Sound Mycological Society Cookbook. Revised and compiled by Derek Hevel, 2019.
- Bessette, Arleen Rainis & Bessette Alan E. Taming the Wild Mushroom. University of Texas Press. 1993.
- Carluccio, Antonio & Carluccio, Priscilla. Mushrooms. No publisher or date listed.
- Czarnecki, Jack. A Cook's Book of Mushrooms. Artisan, a Division of Workman Publishing Company, Inc. 1995.
- Czarnecki, Jack. Joe's Book of Mushroom Cookery. Artheneum Publishers, MacMillan Publishing Company
- Fischer, David W. & Bessette, Alan E. Edible Wild Mushrooms of North America. University of Texas Press. 1992.
- Hendy, Alastair. Mushrooms. Ryland Peters & Small, Inc. 2002
- Hurst, Jacqui & Rutherford, Lyn. A Gourmet's Guide to Mushrooms and Truffles. HP Books, A division of Price Stern Sloan, Inc.
- Jones, Bill. The Savoury Mushroom. Raincoast Books. 2000.
- Nims, Cynthia. Wild Mushrooms. West Winds Press. 2004.
- Selengut, Becky. Shroom. Andrew McMeel Publishing, LLC. 2014
- Cotter, Trad. Organic Mushroom Farming and Mycoremediation. Chelsea Green Publishing. 2014.
- Stamets, Paul. Growing Gourmet & Medicinal Mushrooms. Ten Speed Press. 1993.
- Stamets, Paul. Mycelium Running. Ten Speed Press. 2005.
- Stamets, Paul & Chilton, Jeff. The Mushroom Cultivator. Agarikon Press. 1983.
Dyeing and Crafts with Mushrooms:
- Bessette, Arleen R. The Rainbow Beneath My Feet. Syracuse University Press. 2001.
- Casselman, Karen D. Lichen Dyes. Dover Publications. The New Source Book. 2001.
- Casselman, Karen D. Craft of the Dyer. Dover Publications. 2nd ed. 1993.
- Dean, Jenny. The Craft of Natural Dyeing. Search Press. 5th ed. 2007.
- Dean, Jenny. Wild Color. Watson-Guptil Publications. 2nd ed. 2010.
- Rice, Miriam & Beebee, Dorothy. Mushrooms for Color. Mad River Press. 1980.
- Rice, Miriam & Beebee, Dorothy. Mushrooms for Dyes, Paper, Pigments & Myco-Styx. Mushrooms for Color Press. 2007.
Links to further Information:
- Lubrecht & Cramer, Ltd.: International Books by Mail
- Mad River Press, Inc. (Note: Online information dated 2002)
- New Books, Used Books, Rare Books, Out-of-Print Books
- New Books, Used Books, Rare Books, Out-of-Print Books
- Rogers, M. Fungal Cave Books: Diverse previously owned mushroom books:
- Pacific Northwest Key council Link (Keys to Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest):
- Matchmaker (Mushrooms of the Pacific Northwest):
- North American Mycological Association:
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